Rock Gallery
Situated within the Cornubian Batholith – Imerys British Lithium’s target forms an enriched zone of Lithium-Mica bearing granite.
Forming in the late Variscan Orogenic event, the granite is hosted within one of the six exposed plutons within Cornwall and Devon. This granite is the youngest observed in the South-West and has been intruded within older granites and country rock, known locally as Killas.
The Greenbarrow project is made up of several granitic units which have been displayed below. These are specimens that have been collected and analysed by the team and aid in the further development of the project and future exploration.
Lithium Mica Granite
Equigranular and partially kaolinsied, Zinnwaldite (Li-rich brown mica) bearing Topaz granite. Secondary copper minerals (blue-green)
Lithium-Mica Pegmatite
High grade Lithium-Mica pegmatite with a secondary copper seam.
Zinnwaldite Pegmatite
Pegmaite vein with large crystals of Zinnwaldite (Li-rich brown mica) and Quartz, hosted in Topaz granite. Green Gilbertite alteration and Kaolinisation can also be seen in the granite host.
Zinnwaldite-Tourmaline Granite
Porphyritic Zinnwaldite (Li-rich brown mica) bearing Tourmaline (black elongate) granite. Kaolinsation has partially altered phenocrysts of Plagioclase Feldspar.
Fluorite Rich Granite
Quartz and Fluorite (purple) vein hosted within Gilbertite (green) altered Topaz granite.
Tourmaline Granite
Porphyritic Tourmaline (black elongate) granite with large phenocrysts of Plagioclase Feldspar. Partially Kaolinised.
Fine grained Rhyolite dyke.
Fine grained meta-sedimentary country rock.